
Durham, NC

Durham is a city of about 276,000 residents located 30 miles northeast of North Carolina’s capital, Raleigh. It is the county seat of Durham County. Cases of prostitution, sex trafficking, and child sex trafficking are prevalant within Durham. Ancillary crimes as well as serious crimes against prostituted women, including assault and murder, have also been […]

DuPage County, IL

DuPage County is the second-most populous county in Illinois, with approximately 926,000 residents. It is located 40 miles west of Chicago. Among the serious problems associated with prostitution and sex trafficking in the county have been murders and serial homicides specifically targeting prostituted women and girls. Although the majority of the county’s law enforcement efforts […]

Duluth, MN

Duluth is a city of approximately 86,000 residents located in Beltrami County, in northeastern Minnesota on the shore of Lake Superior.  Documented cases of prostitution and sex trafficking have occurred in the city, with Native American women and girls reported to be particularly vulnerable.  To address these and other problems inevitably generated by prostitution, law […]

Duluth, GA

Duluth is a city with a population of approximately 31,000 located about 25 miles north of Atlanta.  Prostitution activity has been known to occur in Duluth; to combat this, reverse stings have been conducted since at least 2011. In one operation, a teacher was arrested and fined $1,300 after being caught trying to buy sex […]

Dubuque, IA

Dubuque is a city of about 59,000 located along the Mississippi River on the northeast border of Iowa. Prostitution and sex trafficking have been well-documented and persistent problems in the city dating back at least to the 1970s. Among the efforts to combat them have been tactics intended to deter consumer level demand for commercial […]

Downey, CA

Downey is a city of about 112,000 residents located in southeast Los Angeles County, CA. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has been known to engage in large-scale joint reverse sting operations in the city of Downey. The first known reference to reverse stings in the city was in 1984. Interviews conducted in 2011 with […]

Downers Grove, IL

Downers Grove is a village of almost 50,000 residents in DuPage County, located about 20 miles west of Chicago. Prostitution and sex trafficking activity have been well-documented in the city and surrounding communities, and in unincorporated areas of the county. This activity and the problems and ancillary crimes it generates result in complaints to law […]

Dothan, AL

Dothan is located in the southeastern corner of Alabama, with a population of approximately 71,000. It is the government seat of Houston County.  Sex trafficking and prostitution have been well-documented problems in the city for many years. Included in the range of local responses to these problems have been the use of tactics targeting consumer […]

Dodge County, MN

Dodge County is located in the south-east corner of Minnesota, and has a population of around 20,000. Prostitution and sex trafficking activity have been well-documented in the communities and unincorporated areas of the county. This activity and the problems and ancillary crimes it generates results in complaints to law enforcement agencies from residents and businesses. Among the […]

Detroit, MI

Detroit is the largest city in Michigan, with a population of about 640,000 residents, and is located in the southeastern region of the state, within Wayne County. The city and the surrounding region have had well-documented local problems with prostitution, sex trafficking, and a wide range of associated crimes, spanning decades. Public health officials have […]