This approach involves efforts to educate people about prostitution and sex trafficking, and encouraging them not to contribute to sexual exploitation by purchasing sex, or by tolerating or supporting this behavior in others. Some of the education efforts are broadcast widely, while others more narrowly target known adult sex buyers, or minors in an effort to prevent them from becoming adults who buy sex. More than 210 cities and counties in the U.S. have launched some form of public education effort focused specifically on reducing demand for commercial sex.
To learn more about this intervention and how it has been implemented, please see our Tactic Summary document (March, 2023) as well as the links to resources provided below. You may also locate where in the United States that this tactic has been used by visiting Demand Forum’s mapping or listing functions, and selecting from the list of tactics. By clicking on each of the cities and counties listed or mapped, you may access brief summaries of the implementation of each tactic in that community, and links to source documentation.
Public Service Announcements
- Atlanta’s “Dear John” Campaign
- News Reports
- Video (2005-2008)
- Print Images (2005-2008)
- Research Articles:
- Miami’s “Dear John” Campaign
- Phoenix “Jamming Johns” Operation
Online Ads to Deter Sex Buyers
Websites for Public Education and Sex Buyer Deterrence:
U.S. Department of Defense TIP Training
Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE) Toolkits for Training and Education
Survivors Healing, Advising and Dedicated to Empowerment (SHADE Movement)
- Survivors Healing, Advising and Dedicated to Empowerment (SHADE Movement)
- Survivors of human trafficking take the lead on teaching about “modern day slavery” (2018)
Veronica’s Voice “Stop Demand” Speaking Points
Indiana Attorney General’s Office
End Demand, Illinois
End Demand, New York City (NYC)
Demand Abolition
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)