
Snohomish County, WA

Snohomish County is located in the Puget Sound region of Washington, due North of Seattle, and has a population of approximately 834,000.  Key cities within the county include Everett and Lynnwood.  Prostitution and sex trafficking have been identified by law enforcement as problems in the county, and residents have complained to police about prostitution in […]

Seattle, WA

Seattle is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest, with approximately 734,000 residents. It is the largest city and county seat of King County, WA. The city has struggled with persistent and widespread prostitution and sex trafficking problems for many years, with frontier brothels established in the community in the 1850s, decades before Washington statehood. […]

SeaTac, WA

SeaTac is a city of approximately 31,000 residents in Washington state, located in the southern suburbs of Seattle, WA in King County, WA. Not formally incorporated as a city until February 1990, SeaTac comprises the areas in and around the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Prostitution and sex trafficking continue to pose formidable problems for local law […]

Savannah, GA

Savannah is a mid-sized city of under 150,000 residents, located on the southeast coast of Georgia. It has a robust tourism industry, seaport, and access to a major interstate highway, I-95, that contributes to a local sex trade.  The Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department (SCMPD) regards as a priority issue prostitution occurring in hotels (as well […]

Sarasota, FL

Sarasota is located on the southwestern coast of Florida in Sarasota County near Bradenton, and has a population of approximately 58,000 residents. Prostitution and sex trafficking have been identified by law enforcement as substantial problems in the city, and residents have complained to police about prostitution in multiple neighborhoods. At least five cases of homicide […]

Santa Monica, CA

Santa Monica is a beachfront city located directly West of Los Angeles, within Los Angeles County, CA, and has a population of approximately 91,000 residents. Prostitution and sex trafficking have been identified by law enforcement as substantial problems in the city, and generated residential complaints to police. The city has also faced significant issues regarding […]

Sanford, FL

Sanford is a city in central Florida, near Orlando, with a population of approximately 61,000. Prostitution activity has been well-documented in the city, surrounding communities, and in other areas of the county. This activity, and the problems and ancillary crimes it generates result in complaints to law enforcement agencies from residents and businesses. A wide […]

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco is the leading population center of Northern California and the Bay Area, with a population of approximately 815,000.  Prostitution and sex trafficking in the city are well documented, long-standing problems locally, and have been linked to cases of serial killers targeting individuals selling sex, numerous additional murders, and assaults on sex buyers as […]

San Diego, CA

San Diego, a city of 1.4 million residents in Southern California, has had well-documented and serious problems associated prostitution and sex trafficking for many decades.  A large military presence has helped to boost the demand for commercial sex in the city, and in addition to the large supply of domestic victims, the proximity to Mexico […]

San Antonio, TX

San Antonio is a large city in southern Texas’ Bexar County, and with a population of over 1.5 million residents. San Antonio is the largest city in southern Texas, the second largest city in the state of Texas, and the 7th largest city in the United States. Exacerbated by the city’s location, prostitution and sex […]