Kettering, OH

Tactics Used

Auto Seizure
Buyer Arrests
Community Service
Employment Loss
Identity Disclosure
IT Based Tactics
John School
License Suspension
Neighborhood Action
Public Education
Reverse Stings
SOAP Orders
Web Stings

Kettering is a city of about 57,000 residents in Montgomery County, Ohio. It is an inner suburb of Dayton. Prostitution and related drug use have been documented in the city and surrounding areas, resulting in complaints to law enforcement from residents. For example, in April 2023, two people were arrested on prostitution charges after an anonymous tip accused them of running a brothel out of a Kettering home.

To our knowledge, no reverse stings have been conducted in Kettering itself, but a Kettering man has been arrested in a Dayton reverse sting. Identity disclosure and employment loss are consequences of sex buying that have occurred in the city. In February 2012, a reverse sting in Dayton resulted in the arrest of the Athletic Director at Kettering Fairmont High School. Following his arrest, the man was quickly placed on administrative leave, and was later fired by the Kettering City School District. The man was arrested and held in the Montgomery County Jail before posting bond. He was charged with “soliciting a prostitute,” a third-degree misdemeanor, and possessing a criminal tool, a first-degree misdemeanor. The criminal tool was a cellphone used to contact an undercover police officer posing as a prostituted woman. After his arrest, the man told police he had done the same thing “about 10 different times in the last year.” The man’s identity was released to the press.

Key Partners

  • Kettering Fairmont High School
  • Kettering City School District
  • Dayton Police Department
State Ohio
Type City
Population 57377
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