A small number of U.S. jurisdictions suspend the driver’s license of arrestees if they used a vehicle for soliciting prostitution. We have identified just 35 communities known to apply this penalty to men arrested for soliciting women police decoys, but it is likely that it is more widespread. For example, state laws in California and Florida specifically allow for driver’s license suspensions for sex buyers, and there are more than 225 cities and counties in California and 150 in Florida that have arrested them. Other states, such as New Jersey, allow for license suspensions for those using motor vehicles to engage in or promote prostitution. It is unknown how often this is applied to sex buyers in the state, as opposed to “providers” or “facilitators,” but we know that over 60 jurisdictions within New Jersey have arrested those who purchase sex and could, potentially, suspend their driver’s licenses.
To learn more about this intervention and how it has been implemented, please see our Tactic Summary document (March, 2023) as well as the links to resources provided below. You may also locate where in the United States that this tactic has been used by visiting Demand Forum’s mapping or listing functions, and selecting from the list of tactics. By clicking on each of the cities and counties listed or mapped, you may access brief summaries of the implementation of each tactic in that community, and links to source documentation.